From the popular anime series 'Attack on Titan' comes the forth character to join the Nendoroid series - mankind's strongest solider, Levi!
Just like Eren and Mikasa, he also comes with his Vertical Maneuvering Equipment and dual blades to be posed in action - but also comes with reverse backhand grip parts and maneuvering parts specially suited to his unique fighting style! His Scouting Legion cape is also of course included.
His standard expression, a combat expression and a condescending expression are all included!
You can also pose him together with the previously announced Nendoroid Eren Yeager to recreate the famous interrogation scene from the series, as well as with the other characters from the series to fully recreate the Attack on Titan universe in Nendoroid size!
GSC has this figure set to release August 2014
Shipping once released.
This figure is a must for any Attack on Titan fan. Great looking lineup from the Attack on Titan series so sure to pick up you figma too!